So Cal Livin'

Sunset in the marina.

Life in Southern California probably doesn't get any better than this. Snowboarding in a thin long-sleeved top one day and sailing in heavy duty sweatshirts the next day. Why and how can anyone live anywhere else but here?
Have you ever been on a boat for so long that when you're back on land, you still feel the rocking? Well, that's me right about now. After a 7hr sailing day, all I can feel right now is the rocking...and the occasional "Kelp off starboard!" ringing in my ear still.
Between the sun and snow yesterday, and the UVA/UVB rays that still pierce through the marine layer, I have a nice set of raccoon eyes going right now. I had SPF30 on, but that didn't help enough. What's the point of putting on sunscreen when you still get burned??? I guess it lessens the severity, but my face still looks like a nocturnal animal that scrounges for food in trashcans.
yo, i'm jealous. africa is great and all, but we have sandstorms and camel meat. how about you send me a care package with some snow and hot californian chics? --lamb
Your right, why would anyone live anywhere else? ;)
Sounds like a great time; and the worst with too much sun and being on a boat all day is when you lay down to sleep and everything as still rolling around.....
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