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Monday, February 28, 2005

The Oscars, of course

As much as I love good movies and good acting, I just can't get as excited as some people do about the Oscars. Maybe it's because I grew up near LA. Maybe it's because I'm cynical. Who knows why? I guess I like living my life more than I like to live vicariously through other people...then again, that's just me...

Some people even throw Oscar watching parties! Yay! I'm going to have people over to watch the Oscars and ooh and aahh over all the celebrities who are like demigods. That's demi as in partly, not demi as in Demi Moore. I can serve various crudites and champagne.

I would love nothing more than engaging my Sunday evening with several hours of a mind-numbing awards ceremony. I always love all the anticipation these networks build into the ceremony...."and the best picture award goes to....." [drum roll]

How many different categories do we need to have anyway? Best animated short film? Best animated feature film? Best musical score as opposed to a best musical song? Why not include best hairstyle? They have costume design and makeup, so why not hair? I understand that we have to recognize all the people who work behind the scenes so why not include "best camera man"? What about "best caterer" and "best personal assistant" and "best community that had to deal with the shooting day in and day out for several weeks"? If we really want to recognize all those people who work behind the scenes, we should include them all, not just a few categories!

Although, I must say that I am not displeased with this year's winners...and that's a wrap! Sorry, had to do that.... ;-)


At 3:28 PM, Blogger Dern said...

They definitely should award Best Gaffer and Best Transportation Captain....

At 3:36 PM, Blogger Bruingirl said...

Those are definitely some noteworthy categories....I thought of another few: Best Lighting Technician and Best Website Developer.

At 9:18 PM, Blogger Dern said...

Best poster.....


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