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Friday, February 11, 2005

Health Risk Assessment

My company has recently partnered up with the Mayo Clinic to "provide interactive healthy living for its employees". Basically, this means that my company is trying to make it into Fortune's "100 Best Companies to Work For" for next year since we didn't make it for 2004. I wonder why??? (comments from the peanut gallery has been suppressed)
I decided to take the health risk assessment since we get a $100 credit towards our health insurance premium! Isn't it funny that we live in a society where a company has to lure its employees with money to convince us that it's in our best interest to assess our own health??

The first thing that this assessment asks about is alcohol use. Hmmm...I think I failed that one miserably. Apparently, I might have a drinking problem. I guess waking up and having to make myself a COCKtail (it is the year of the rooster) was construed as a sign of alcoholism.
The next part asks about my exercise habits. I thought that walking to my car and back was enough exercise? That damn test claims that I need more exercise! How does it know whether I walk at a 3mph pace or a 8mph pace?? Did they take that into consideration???
It then proceeds to ask about my cholestrol level and my eating habits. Whatever happened to the good 'ol American diet of meat and potatoes daily??? Who needs vegetables and fruits? Homo sapiens have incisors for ripping meat, silly!
Do you know your triglyceride level? I certainly didn't because I'm not a doctor!!! Why would this test ask questions that my doctor would know?

After spending 10 minutes answering cookie cutter questions with cookie cutter answers, I feel so much more confident about my physical health! I can move forward knowing that I am reasonably healthy enough to continue my daily existence without changing a single thing!


At 2:06 PM, Blogger -Me said...

"I guess waking up and having to make myself a COCKtail (it is the year of the rooster) was construed as a sign of alcoholism."

Actually, it's construed as a sign of an attorney. So you are just in the wrong profession...Come to the dark side and you will fit right in.

Besides, would you rather give up drinking, or just change careers??

At 10:42 PM, Blogger Bruingirl said...

Hmmmm....I think you may be on to something there w/ the whole attorney bit....

At 11:20 PM, Blogger Liezel said...

I remember taking one of these "health assessment" tests when I first joined a gym. I looked at the trainer, like a deer in headlights, putting my Marlboro Red cigarette out with the medicine ball and placed my 32 oz. Bass Ale on his clipboard, uttering, "What do you mean I have to assess my current state of health?" ;)

At 10:19 AM, Blogger John Alex said...

Annual Wellness Visit template is anappropriate process for the patients to get resolution to their complications. It comprises all the consideration along with advice headed for the patient


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