Running a 10K
Every year, the city of Redondo Beach is host to one of the largest SuperBowl Sunday 10Ks in the state of California, if not the entire country. About 9,000 people come to participate in this annual ritual of starting the day with a healthy run that ends with a beer garden, sponsored by Asahi beer. Yes, they give you FREE BEER! How often does that happen? For $23, you get to run in a fun 10K, get a long-sleeve shirt, and 2 beers!
A group of my friends and I decided to run in the 10K this year. Just in case you didn't know, a 10K = 6.2 miles (hey, this way you don't have to google 10K to see how far that is). I don't know about you, but running is something for which you least that's the "normal" way of thinking. Most people start to train about 1-2 months before a race and some people start before that, depending on their fitness level. Most people prepare for a race by carbo-loading the night before. Most people get a good night's rest.
Well, as many of you know, I'm not a "normal" person and I have found the key to running a 10K without any difficulties! Here are some tips which I found to be particularly helpful this past weekend:
1) Run around ragged all day, the day before the race.
2) Start drinking at 6pm the night before so that by 1am of race day, you can't tell your left from your right.
3) Smoke whatever you can....tobacco, 420, crack cocaine if you must....smoke is so good for your lungs!
4) eating buffalo wings, quesadillas, and other fried foods.
5) Get 4 hrs of drunken sleep and hope that you don't sleep through the alarm.
Now get out there and run that race!!!
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