Blog is me....

What is blogging? Where did it come from? How does "blog" even become a word? Does this mean that I can coin my own words too?

Monday, January 31, 2005

Foosball and Bones

Ever notice a high correlation between foosball and Tourette's syndrome? Is it just me or do you notice that everyone has Tourette's when playing foosball?
I played offense with a very drunk teammate who played defense. It was quite an intense battle between the two teams. Of course, every other word out of everyone's mouth was a word that would have made your mother cringe. After a few games, we decided to name foosball - Tourette's syndrome foosball. How appropriate.
Next game of the evening: Bones. This is a game of dominoes, for those "not in the know". The thing about this game is that you actually have to think! You have to strategize and add many numbers together. No, you cannot use a calculator! I came in 2nd.
Between foosball and bones, I could have sworn I had transported back to college, except there was Newcastle being drunk instead of Keystone Light.


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