Watching a sunrise
Everyone should wake up early enough to watch the sun rise at least once in their lifetime, if not several times. There is nothing more refreshing and peaceful than watching the sunrise over the mountains and hills. Of course, this whole experience is a little bit different if you are doing it from your office. I don't know about you, but watching the sunrise from my office just doesn't have the same effect of tranquility.
Waking up early enough on a weekday to see the sunrise from work is not my idea of fun. Everyone else is sleeping peacefully, but not me. I'm already at work. What the hell??? Damn the stock market opening at 6:30am PST! At least I'm not in Hawaii. I would have to come into work at 4:30am or something. Now that would be my idea of a good time!
What we need is for the PSE (Pacific Stock Exchange) to become the major exchange, not the NYSE. Why must New York be the hub of all financial activity that is deemed necessary and worthy? Los Angeles is as good a place as any, and so is San Francisco. We have better food, better weather, better topography, better looking people, and most importantly, without the state of CA, the rest of the country's GDP would be highly depressed (CA would be the 6th richest nation if we were a sovereign entity). New Yorkers think that they are so much smarter, but if they really are, why are they still in New York???
I just want to crawl back into bed....
Me too. (And another thought about the Hawai'i time zone difference; there is no Daylight Savings Time....soon we will be 3 hours behind the west coast.
What's wrong w/ you ppl?? Why don't you subscribe to daylight savings?
I'm pretty sure its some sort of ancient grudge against the sun......;)
(Technical answer: The hours of daylight here don't vary that much in the summer; daylights savings wouldn't really save anything).
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