Blog is me....

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Tuesday, January 11, 2005

The iPod mini is taking over the world!

As a "typical" Gen-Xer, I love my gadgets. I love my computer, my digital camera, my PDA, my cell phone, and anything else that may emit radioactive waves. Nothing quite like having an attachment to something that may give me cancer in about 30 years...
To add to my collection of gadgets, I was recently given an iPod mini for Christmas. Why an iPod mini as opposed to a regular iPod? Who REALLY needs 15Gigs of memory?!?!? I mean, really....isn't 4Gigs enough? The battery doesn't even last long enough for you to listen to the entire 4Gigs at once anyway!
Let me just say that the iPod mini is THE greatest invention EVER! I love my iPod mini. It's blue and it plays all my favorite songs like "Island in the Sun" by Weezer. I got an arm band for it so that I can take it to the gym. It looks really great on my arm as I'm running on the treadmill. I like to show it off to all my friends so they can "oohhh" and "ahhh" over it. I can't wait to take it on an extended vacation and show the little guy something else besides Manhattan Beach.
Last night, my roommates and I came to the realization that we all have iPods now! I think Nathan felt left out because he has a monstrous iPod whereas Chris and I have the sleeker and lighter iPod minis. Nathan was experiencing iPod mini envy. Either way, we all thought we were so cool for having these cool gadgets. I wonder what that says about this household??


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