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Sunday, January 16, 2005

Midget sightings!

If you are the sensitive type, you probably will not want to continue reading. But, if you say "screw political correctness", then you have come to the right place.
We had a special treat at Patrick Molloy's this afternoon after watching the Patriots put poor Peyton Manning to shame. As we were chowing down on some healthy, fried calamari and fried fish tacos, a couple of girls walked in. Lo and behold, one was a midget!
Midgets are cool. You can play really fun games with them like midget tossing. They have an unusual proportion and they have "small hands...smell like cabbage", as the great Austin Powers would say. This particular speciman that we encountered at Molloy's was wearing a pair of jeans and a sweater. She had long, dark hair that came down to her butt. I guess on a normal size person, it would probably be shoulder-length.
Then, to our delight, we saw another one! He didn't have totally odd proportions, but you could definitely tell he was a midget. Of course, he was Asian so maybe he wasn't really a midget.
The fact that we saw two midgets in one night, at the same bar, was just totally exciting! Who would have ever thought that going to a local bar would be so exciting??


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