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Friday, October 14, 2005

Commericals that drive you crazy!

I have a TV in my office. It is on CNBC all day long. Most commercials just pass through my mind - in one ear and out the other. There are a few that will not leave me though.

One in particular is the Areva commercial. If I hear the song "Funkytown" one more friggin time, I am going to lose my mind!!!! Areva is doing this huge ad campaign (obviously - when have you ever seen an Areva commercial otherwise?) to explain nuclear power. The whole commercial is set to "Funkytown" and this commercial must be playing at least 10 times a day!!!!

It is the MOST annoying thing in the world! It's even worse than the Cal Worthington commercials from the 80s (SoCal thing). It's worse than the Old Navy commercials. You have to see it to see what I'm talking about. Of course, many people might not think it's so bad, but when you have to endure it over and over again....believe me, you will want to do something malicious to the "creative" people who designed the commercial.


At 5:20 PM, Blogger Dern said...

You have a TV in the office? It'd be cool to have a TV in the office.....of course I probably wouldn't do any work then.....and I'm sure I'd get it taken away for watching too many cartoons....

At 10:28 PM, Blogger Bruingirl said...

I dislike watching TV in general, except for a few things: CNBC, sports, Simpsons, and Family Guy. All other "programming" needs to be archived in a dark warehouse somewhere.


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