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Thursday, September 01, 2005

Helping the Victims

Damn that Hurricane Katrina! Here are some sites through which you can help out the victims out there in LA, MI, and AL. BTW, what pisses me off more than anything are the people who are trying to benefit from this tragedy, i.e. THE LOOTERS!!! What the hell is wrong with them??? Do they have no conscience? That's a blog for another day.....

The Greater Los Angeles American Red Cross(monetary donations only)
Phone: (213) 739-5267 Address: 2700 Wilshire Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90057

Greater Los Angeles United Way(monetary donations only)
Phone: (213) 630-2100 Address: 523 West Sixth Street Los Angeles, CA 90014

The Orange County Chapter of the American Red Cross(monetary donations only)
Phone: 800.435.7669 Address: P.O. Box 11364, Santa Ana, CA 92711

Orange County United Way(monetary donations only)
Phone: 800.272.4630Address: United Way of America, P.O. Box 630568, Baltimore, MD 21263-0568

Giving Children of Hope(accepting items of need: cases of water, hygiene products, sunscreen, canned goods, batteries, baby diapers & formula, chainsaws, generators, extension cords)Phone: 714.523.4454 Address: 8332 Commonwealth Ave., Buena Park, CA 90621

United Methodist Committee on Relief(accepting monetary donations and flood relief goods)Phone: 800.554.8583Address: UMCOR P.O. Box 9068, New York, NY

Catholic Charities(monetary donations only)
Phone: 800.919.9338Address: Catholic Charities USA, Hurricane Katrina, P.O. Box 25168, Alexandria, VA 2213-9788

Salvation Army(monetary donations only, send checks w/ "Disaster Relief" written in the memo)
Phone: 800.725.2769Address: P.O. Box 4857, Jackson, MS 39296-4857


At 2:03 AM, Blogger Dern said...

Thanks for the info.

The Anarchy/Looting/Riots in Louisiana is a disgrace and sounds horrifying. f*in nuts. The news makes it sound like that movie Escape from LA (or New York).

At 10:57 AM, Blogger Bruingirl said...

I'm thinking more zombie movie-esque. Think "28 Days". Whole city that is wiped out and totally deserted. Pretty eerie.


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