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Saturday, August 20, 2005

Working on a Saturday

I started my new job yesterday and so I spent a good part of the day moving into my new office. Of course, the beautiful day outside was just torturing me as I slaved away under artificial sunlight that I have grown to love. If what we have to look forward to is the weekend, but we don't actually spent the weekend doing what we love, then there's really no point in calling it a weekend now, is there?

It's amazing how many people out there work over the weekend. Here's the funny thing - when has a lower white color job employee ever worked over the weekend? That is, when has a secretary ever worked more than her 40hrs/week? Let's say that she's been an executive assistant for many years and gets paid $80,000/yr. That means that a CPA or an attorney or a broker making that much per year is actually earning less on an hourly basis. Think about it - how many professionals do you know who work more than 40hrs/week?

Here I am, working my butt off, but making less than a secretary. Where is the justice?? Maybe I should just go and become someone's assistant.


At 11:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Or what about your co-workers that work 20-30 hours a week for the same amount...they are making more than you!

At 3:02 PM, Blogger katar said...

Life's greatest joy is having control over others. Well, and driving a bentley and investing in real estate. You know, the simple things in life.

At 8:36 PM, Blogger Dern said...

Someone asked me "How was your weekend?"

I (unfortunately) responded "What Weekend?"

Bring on the union for the white collars.....

At 3:47 PM, Blogger Bruingirl said...

Ah yes....the joys of working long hours for what seems like not enough pay. I DO enjoy setting my own hours though...I've always had jobs like that though...I don't know how people work 9-5 jobs. I've had it once and nearly drove myself crazy! I had to "clock in"!!! Wow! What a strange concept!
I'm all about enjoying the simple things in vacations in Costa Rica and Kilimanjaro.
White collar workers' union? Now, that's an idea....

At 8:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think you're being very fair. Being someone's secretary for many years isn't easy and so she's probably worth all that she is getting paid. Go ahead and get a job as a secretary and see if you can last as many years necessary to earn an $80,000 salary in that position. It takes years working as a secretary to make that much money, whereas you've only been working for a few years and you're making the same amount.

At 9:16 PM, Blogger In a split second said...

Clocking in sucks, I have been a fan of contract work myself. Not very steady and have to watch your money on slow times but its nice.

At 9:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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Maggie Galehouse The Arizona Republic Aug. 26, 2005 03:58 PM Slideshow: Tour this home Jose Avila's version of home design falls somewhere between avant-garde art and someone-needs-to-loan-this-guy-a-chair. The ...

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At 11:34 AM, Blogger Bruingirl said...

I just LOVE anonymous posters. If you are going to give your two cents, at least have a name tied to your comment! You might be someone I want to make fun of in a future blog....


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