You're Getting Old When....
1) You know of more babies being born than people getting married.
2) You have more friends getting divorced than getting married.
3) You are no longer eligible for the U.S. military draft.
4) Midnight is a "late night" out.
5) Your back starts to hurt.
6) Your friends would rather "work on the house" than watch football on a Sunday afternoon.
7) Your parents are looking into long-term care options.
8) Parents start dying.
9) You are more concerned about saving for retirement than saving for a vacation.
10) You don't know when school starts in the fall.
What can you add to this list?
You prefer wine over beer.
You know more about children's clothing than you do about what is "in fashion" in the adult world.
You meet new people in Mommy and Me classes instead of the bars.
College kids are now just that - college KIDS.
You start lecturing to others.....
Technology becomes hard to grasp....
Family and Property overcome all.
You get annoyed when people telephone after 10:00 p.m.
An exciting evening of entertainment consists of a delivered pizza, microwave popcorn and the latest episode of "Lost."
You stop getting carded when buying liquor at the grocery store.
You get called "ma'am" way more often than "miss."
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