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Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Ambulance sirens

I am on the 6th floor of a building and I can still hear the ambulance sirens from miles away. I think the walls here are too thin. What do you think?

It's funny to watch people on the street when they hear a siren. There are those who understand exactly what they are supposed to do and move their cars to the right hand side of the road. Then, there are those who just stop. That's it. Just stop exactly where they are. Then, there are the really intelligent ones. They keep driving, maybe a bit slower, but still driving. Maybe they'll even apply the break as they try to contemplate what they should do.

It's stressful enough having to rush to an accident scene. It isn't any easier when you are dealing with people who are not very intelligent and don't understand anything.


At 12:13 AM, Blogger Dern said...

I can't hear any neighbors here from the twelfth story of this condo, but I regularly hear ambulances, fire trucks (and the usual midnight Harley).


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