Blog is me....

What is blogging? Where did it come from? How does "blog" even become a word? Does this mean that I can coin my own words too?

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Being in love

Someone suggested to me that I post a blog on "being in love". Wow. This could be a multi-part series. In order to write intelligently about this, we need to delve further into the word "love".

I love where I live. I love the beach. I love the mountains. I might even love you, the reader. Don't get your hopes up though because I probably don't....unless I want something from you. Then, I might love you. A LOT.

Our society is obsessed with "being in love" and "finding the right person". It's amazing how many countless websites are out there to help you with love. What's funny is that there are these sites that help you express love and rate your chances of love. Sites that help you find love and make sure that love never dies.

I say screw all that and just be in love with yourself. I am. It works really well. I'm my best friend and lover. I LOVE Me. I LOVE everything about Me. I never argue with Me. I am always good to Me. In short, it is all about Me.


At 8:25 PM, Blogger HikingMike said...

Hehe. Yeah that's one way to look at it. My philosophy is to let it come when it does, and hope it happens more than once, arghhh. I love the beach and mountains also :) I actually got here from your virtual tourist page when I was looking up Hermosa Beach stuff. My buddy lives there and I was on vacation there in July, love the place! Man that was fun :) It was 4th of July week/weekend so pretty insane. We went backpacking in Sequoia NP (Mineral King area) for 4/5 days also which was the whole point of the trip, that was incredible. I'm in St. Louis by the way. My job isn't so hot either but it would be nice to have a beach and some mountains nearby like you :) Wow crazy, I'm just reading down further and you have a brother in Africa. I have a good friend there (Malawi), I made a blog for him on here, feel free to check it out.

I guess since I'm not on here much, if you want to reply in some way, I just put my email in my blogger profile. Now hopefully I don't get spammed into the next century. Have a good one.


At 1:02 AM, Blogger Dern said...

(looking at the link) Can you really Calculate Love? Kinda makes me think of those machines at the pizza parlor or arcade, the wooden ones with the squeeze handle and the vertical lights; make it to the top of the lightstand you must be in love.

awe, but What About Me? (jokes)

At 6:29 PM, Blogger katar said...

good for you- "love" as a word carries the burdens of obligation and expectation-- ultimately leading to disappointment/depression after s/he leaves. "love" also invokes saccharin imagery of valentine candy and meg ryan movies.

instead, my company (or my mate's) is something to be earned daily! not by gifts or buying dinner or other such bribery (which, like a LOAN not a gift, is given deceitfully in expectation of repayment), but by holding one another to a high standard and calling the other out when s/he is being petty or dramatic... in this way there can be an explosion of personal growth on both sides. one who knows you intimately can make you vulnerable or hurt you, yes, but that same person can challenge you and relate at a higher level. this kind of relationship (another word i hate) can further purely selfish objectives of gain and growth.

and then there is the physical component, which in the proper context becomes less /quid pro quo/ or mere recreation and more of an expressive, nonverbal communication. in this setting there is no 'technique' and no give and take but only the communication of a feeling (nonverbally). quite a lovely thing and worth waiting for.

i know some people have had a bad experience and tend to overgeneralize or give up on the opposite sex-- an offense for which women are easier to forgive-- but all it takes are high standards and patience. and being proactive in meeting new people.

hey, not bad for being on the clock at work still!!!!!!!

At 11:04 AM, Blogger Bruingirl said...

Mike - Thanks for stumbling across my page....that's what happens when you visit end up becoming a professional stumbler...or [pub]crawler. ;-)

Dern - Those machines say that I'm a love machine sex goddess. hehe

Patrick - Where would Hallmark be w/o love and Valentine's Day? At this rate, I'm surprised they haven't created another holiday devoted to "love" and teddy bears and candies.

At 5:11 PM, Blogger katar said...

That other holiday devoted to teddy bears and candles already exists - it is called an 'Anniversary'. It is a more dangerous holiday, because there are no ubiquitous cupids and hearts to serve as reminders. Although, it's easily avoided by breaking up within the first year!

At 4:26 AM, Blogger Dern said...

Ooo, Hot Momma.


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