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Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Trapped in the Closet

R. Kelly has come out with the GREATEST piece of creative genius! Beethoven? Nothing compared to R. Kelly! Chopin? Mozart? Mere fools compared to the type of work created by Mr. R. Kelly.

All I can say is, "wow, oh wow....." In case you were not aware, R. Kelly has come out with a new song/video called "Trapped in the Closet". I am going to give a "Cliffs Notes" version of this hit single with its intricately woven story lines and comprehensive character development.

This song unfolds like a story with various chapters involving several different characters who are all connected to one another in some way. Mr. Kelly is obviously trying to portray the innerconnectivity of our existence. The song starts with a character named Sylvester who cheats on his wife, Gwendolyn, with another married woman whose own husband was apparently involved in an amorous affair with the church deacon. Guns are drawn and bickering ensues. Sylvester goes home to his wife who was cheating on him with a cop named James, who happened to give Sylvester a speeding ticket as he was racing home to be with his wife. Guns are drawn again and this time, someone gets shot. Mr. Kelly is portaying the frailty of human existence at this point while using an excellent example of foreshadowing with the interaction between Sylvester and the cop in chapter 4.

The rest of the chapters, as you can imagine, continue with more infidelity and guns being pointed at people. There's people hiding in closets and cabinets. An asthmatic midget who is involved with a chick named Bridget (imagine that one!) and craps in his pants is also involved around chapter 10. The length to which Mr. Kelly delves into each character's development is just astonishing!

I think everyone should give their loved ones this single as the perfect Christmas present! What else could someone want??????


At 12:30 PM, Blogger katar said...

Your opening lines suggest this is all satire. But your enthusiasm seems pretty serious.

So this album (single?) is just a concept album, like dozens before it. It's been done before, though not usually in a hip-hop context. One of my favorites is the rock opera

At 1:00 PM, Blogger Bruingirl said...

You are right to assume my opening lines have set the tone for the rest of the posting.

Hip-hop just takes things to a whole new level....that's what is so amusing about it! Kevin and Bean on KROQ have been revealing the different chapters of that album and they are HILARIOUS! That is, Kevin and Bean, are hilarious....not so much the album.

At 8:56 PM, Blogger Dern said...

I know exactly what to get for Christmas now.......

At 12:17 PM, Blogger katar said...

You are well-researched for someone who doesn't enjoy the subject piece.

But as my friend Kuntesh once said, "A really bad movie is more entertaining than an average movie."

At 8:13 PM, Blogger Astera said...

You think the single is genius? Check out the parody of R. Kelly and being trapped in the closet on the South Park episode about Scientology. Pure hilarity!

At 10:14 PM, Blogger Bruingirl said...

Thanks for the heads up Astera! That was friggin HILARIOUS!!!


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