Myspace has an area where you can create a blog on your profile page. As a dedicated blogger to the great people of Google, I think I shall continue to blog through the original blog site. Myspace is an interesting website - none too different from friendster or facebook (for the college set). It's interesting how small of a world it truly is when you run across old high school and college friends on myspace.
Some people seem to use it as a brag book - these are the younger moms with young children. These moms are basically creating an online scrapbok with their "lil ones" pictures and big moments in life carefully chronicled. Do we really care that little Suzie made her first poo?? No!!!!
Others seem to use it to promote their newest line of music or clothing line. They are the ones who email a bunch of different people on the network and ask to be your friend. Who in the world wants even more unsolicited emails/spam???
Then, there are the ones who are trying to keep it completely professional. Being that it is mostly a social site, these poor people are barking up the wrong tree. Seriously, what truly successful 40+ yr old professional is going to try to utilize the site to "network" with other professionals with whom they can do business?
My favorite? The teeny bopper age set, especially the girls, who look like little sluts and post their wares for all the world to see. Making daddy proud..... The fact that the site even allows minors to create profiles is a huge liability waiting to happen. Why not just exclaim to the entire universe of perverts to come and take advantage of these attention-hungry girls?
You are in your element again - ostensibly cynical but very sharp. You have a knack for organizing people into groups and then making fun of each group one at a time.
Your last paragraph makes me smile. You are exactly right, of course. Although, it's a little odd for a thin attractive SoCal woman to complain about girls being slutty or superficial. I say that with a lot of respect to you. But some of your peers... hmmm...
And here I thought that I was merely a positive ray of naivete...
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