Blog is me....

What is blogging? Where did it come from? How does "blog" even become a word? Does this mean that I can coin my own words too?

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Unusual encounters

The Internet has certainly created a most interesting medium for people to meet each other, among all the other things like online shopping, stock quotes, evites, research, etc....The main focus today is on human interactions. Five years ago, it was most certainly taboo to say "Oh, I met him/her online" and now it is much more acceptable. I know that at least 20% of my friends have utilized an online dating service at one point and time in their lives!

Having said that, it is still quite strange to develop a relationship of any level with someone that you "meet online". Behind the screen of the Internet, people can conjure up anything. Some may create a fake persona for themselves. Still, others are photoshop experts who can brush away even the most hideous of flaws.

Personal blogging is a whole different level of online interaction because people reveal so much of their personal lives on it. The fact that so many people are interested in other peoples' lives has made me come to the conclusion that we are a society of voyeurs on some level. What is my point here? My point is that it's strange that we can meet people halfway around the globe without even leaving the comforts of our home!


At 12:56 AM, Blogger Dern said...

Sarcasm.....Show me the Sarcasm!....

It is strange. Half decade does change a lot....even a year changes things rapidly?

(wait was that an attempted deep thought....shootz.....)

At 12:03 AM, Blogger Bruingirl said...

You know an industry is over when you are getting solicitation through a certain medium.


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