Gay Days
**I already know someone is going to be hyper-sensitive about this and say something, but I am not here to be "Miss Politically Correct". If you want something PC, you can go read somone else's blog, or better yet, go read the front page of any other "general" publication.**
That being said, did you know that there are days at Disneyland dedicated to the celebration of those who lead alternative lifestyles??? They are called "gay days" and all the homosexuals who care to attend this event go all out at Disneyland. Why is it that so many gay guys love anything Disney? Or Spongebob Squarepants? Is it just me or does it seem like they cling onto anything that is remotely nostalgic or reminds them of their childhood?
What I don't understand is why the gay community feels the need to exclaim to the world, "Look! I'm GAY!!!!! Yay for me and my limp-wristed friends!" Okay, I understand that you're gay and that's fine. As a matter of fact, I honestly don't care what happens between you and your lovers in the bedroom (or at Rage in WeHo)! Does the straight community go around announcing that we're straight? Why don't we have STRAIGHT DAYS at Disneyland? From now on, I'm going to walk around town announcing "Hey everyone! Guess what??? I'm straight! I'm a woman and I LOVE men!"