Maroon 5
Is it safe to say that any two men that are at a Maroon 5 concert by THEMSELVES should be considered G-A-Y????
Honestly, as much as I enjoy Maroon 5's music, I can't see a straight man singing "this love has taken its toll on me...." while all the women around him are swooning. I have not seen so many women at one concert before.....besides Jack Johnson and even then, there was a better ratio of men to women....
Apres-concert bar ended up being Elevate, since it is in downtown and just several blocks away from the Staples Center. That is where we met the ASSES - fat ass, ass squared, and dumb ass.
Fat was exactly that - a fat ass who was married, but thought he could get away with being single for the night. Ass squared liked to brag about his ass modeling days. Dumb ass literally ran into the glass and started bleeding at the bridge of his nose.
Ah yes....nothing like attracting the group of ASSES.....