Telegrams to text messaging
Is it just me or is it ironic that we have "advanced" in technology and yet, it seems as though we have regressed? Case in point is the telegram. Isn't text messaging essentially a modern version of the telegram? Wasn't the telephone the technological advancement, more superior than the telegram? What happened?
I think it's funny when people email or text message instead of picking up the phone. Now, I'm not saying that I'm not a hugely addicted computer junkie myself (my blog is the perfect example of this), BUT I would rather call someone than email. Sound travels a lot faster than 80wpm. Yes, even the quickest hands in the world just aren't fast enough to travel at the speed of sound.
There are certainly instances where you need to utilize text messaging. For example, if you are studying in a crowded coffeehouse, it would be more appropriate to text message instead of yakking away on the clamshell. Another example would be if you were in a meeting. Most meetings are boring and require very little thought so why not engage in silly banter via text?
When does texting get used inappropriately? When someone is at home and decides that their internal turmoil should be transmitted via text. Hey, I'm all for open communication, but shouldn't that kind of stuff be done in person or at least via phone??
***Look out for my future diatribe on the novelties of the newer phones that have features that are really, truly unnecessary.
d strife I hav w txt iz undRstNdN it. aiight n mo txt frm me.....rather thN makin a RitN nuisance of myself, Ill bcum a verbal nuisance.....wuz yor fone #?
Actually, not gonna disagree on the innapropriate use of the english language and hiding behind techonology described here; looking forward to the diatribe and thanks for the birthday wishes.
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