Blog is me....

What is blogging? Where did it come from? How does "blog" even become a word? Does this mean that I can coin my own words too?

Monday, July 31, 2006

Veinte-cuatro horas mas!!

Yo necesito un vacacion! Dos semanas en Chile es un vacacion perfecto parami! Yo estoy practicando mi espanol en preparacion el viaje. Yo pienso que escribo mas bueno que hablo!

Disfruta tu verano en los Estados Unidos!!!! Yo disfrutare mi verano en Chile!!! Escribire despues revuelvo a California! Ciao!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Upcoming vacation

In less than a week, I will be on a plane headed to Chile! I will be in deep powder, snowboarding the Andes! Yes, that is correct! I will be boarding/skiing south of the equator in a week! For 2 weeks, we will be touring Santiago, Valparaiso, Vina del Mar, the wine country, and Portillo. Bruingirl is going to have the time of her life!

That being said, I think it's somewhat difficult for me to focus on the tasks at work! Who wants to work when a vacation is coming up? Nothing will be sweeter than drinking Chilean wine that's purchased at a Chilean vineyard instead of the local Trader Joe's! Nothing will be more exhilerating than riding down a 2600 vertical drop, of a 2 miles run, with Mt. Aconagua in the background.

Heat wave in Southern California? 90 degrees at the beaches? Humidity? None of these things will be on my mind while Chile is enjoying their mild winter!! :)

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Middle East Crisis

Why is it that people in the Middle East are constantly fighting? Why can't they just take a chill pill and agree to disagree? I think I have several perfect solutions for them!

1) Marijuana. Serious loads of it. I think we need to "smoke them out". Instead of tobacco, we should lace all their tobacco with pot so that when they smoke out of their hookahs, they will get completely stoned. They will be so stoned that they wouldn't want to do anything besides sit on their asses and order McDonald's. What would be a better solution than that?

2) Team America. If they can take out Kim Il Jong and the rest of the F.A.G. organization, they can do anything! Besides, their undercover endeavors are so professional!

3) Michael Moore. Perhaps he could create a documentary on their countries, filled with falsified information and anti-patriotism. The Middle Eastern countries will become so apathetic to their own countries that no one will care whose borders and whose! Also, they can stand united against the one thing that they can all mutually detest - Michael Moore.

4) David Hasselhoff. Hey, it seemed to have worked for the Germans. Why not for the Hezbollahs and the Israelis???

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Jury Duty

I suppose it is our duty to serve on a jury at least at one point and time in our lives. Our constitution gives us the "right" to a jury trial and therefore, we, as citizens of the United States, get to partake in this lovely judicial process.

I arrived at my designated courthouse at 8:00am, as per my jury summons. After the "airport" like process of having my belongings scanned, I was herded into a large room with rows upon rows of chairs. I should be least the chairs were cushioned and we had Internet access at $5/hr. I guess things could have been worse. I could have been chosen for a month long trial. That would have been fun.

I was lucky though....we were all excused from being chosen because all the cases that day were settled out of court. If only all cases can be settled out of court....

"Listen, Bob....I have to make it home for my kid's soccer game at 4pm this afternoon. Can your client plead guilty and I'll cut you a deal?"

"Joe, what did you have in mind?"

"How about 2 weeks jail time and 1 month community service and 6 months of therapy?"

"1 week jail time, 1 week community service, and 1 month therapy...."

"Your client is guilty as all hell! 3 months therapy and 2 weeks community service and I'll give you the 1 week jail time."

"'s a deal!"

Then, everyone can go home happy! Potential jurors don't get called in, the attorneys get to go home early, the accused still gets reprimanded, and everyone wins!!! Hooray for cutting deals!!!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

One Red Paperclip

Have you heard of this guy? Some Canadian dude traded his one red paperclip for a variety of things to work his way up to a house! Can you believe that???

I think the whole concept of the Internet community, a la Craigslist for example, is so fascinating! People geniunely want to help other people accomplish their dreams and goals, even if they are strangers!

Can you even imagine something like this happening 15 years ago? What's even scarier is that some of the kids these days cannot imagine life without the Internet. Wow....I just felt really old right there for a second....