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Monday, June 20, 2005

Couch potato

British potato farmers are up in arms to get "couch potato" taken out of the dictionary. They claim that this gives the potato a negative image. I didn't realize potatoes had a self esteem problem.

I think Mr. Potato Head should have been their spokesperson. Afterall, who else would be a better representative than Mr. Potato Head with his removable eyes and ears?? He's happy and fat. He's got a bushy mustache and a big nose. He even has a wife to boot! Mrs. Potato Head with her high heels and purse! Mr. Potato Head is a celebrity. He has a movie and has a long, commendable history which began in 1952.

Potatoes are our friends. French fries, chili cheese fries, baked potato, scalloped potatoes, twice-baked potatoes, mashed potatoes, potato pancakes, potato soup, and the list of our favorite foods go on and on. Potatoes don't have a negative image at all! Potatoes have and will always have a long, illustrious career of being happily eaten by people all over the world!


At 11:45 PM, Blogger Dern said...

Yes those vile slothlike creatures that give a tuber plucked up from the dirt a bad image.

(a. I'm not actually sure if a Potato is a Tuber. b. I learned this in college: if you accidentally leave a potato in a fridge for a long time it will grow roots.)

At 12:14 AM, Blogger Charles said...

Long live the potato!

At 7:16 AM, Blogger Bruingirl said...

Yes, a potato is a tuber and yes, it will grow roots. I learned that in grade school as a "scientific experiment"! Also, you can cut a potato into a shape you like, dip it in paint, and create art! woohoo!!!
Potatoes are fun!!!!!!!


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