Greatest American
So, AOL television and Discovery Channel are sponsoring this "Greatest American" on the Discovery Channel. The top 25 nominees include people like George W. Bush, Rosa Parks, Albert Einstein, Billy Graham, Wright Brothers, George Washington and a number of other deceased (or soon to be deceased) Americans, as well as some that are alive and well. All of these people have contributed greatly to our country to make it the place it is today in regards to our freedom, technological advancement, economic stability, etc... If you don't like it, go live in Mauritania and then complain about our country and what we lack.
Now, there are others in the top 100 that include people like Hugh Hefner or Donald Trump. You know, the type of American you can truly respect for giving us "Playboy" and "The Apprentice". Afterall, where would we be without such quality entertainment? Who cares about the development of electricity or our first landing on the moon? Other top 100 contenders include Ellen Degeneres, Tom Cruise, Tom Hanks, and Martha Stewart. Wow, oh wow....I could have a field day with some of these contenders.
My life would be completely devoid of any meaning without the words "run, forrest, run!" I would be completely helpless in regards to planning dinner parties in jail without Martha. I would have been bored to tears without Ellen's commentaries at Walt Disney World on one of the rides.
Where, oh where, would we be without some of these other top 100 greatest Americans? Who's your favorite and why?
My paborite? Twain. Good Author, common sense, reflected his time (and what other author started in the South, went to Nevada/Cali, and ended up in Hawaii?
Others: Thomas Jefferson for Declaring Independence, Louisiana Purchase, exploring the land, and bumming around the White House....T. Roosevelt for the National Parks.
Lucas; great marketer and I know Star Wars affected me growing up.....
(everyone knows the Greatest American has a fro and wears a red outfit.....)
TJ was da man! Who knows how many illegitimate children he fathered??
Greatest Canadian? Terence and Philip from "Southpark"! C'mon! It doesn't get any better!
"Sigalert" creator was a genius! If only it can show you the traffic out to Vegas....
Personally, I pick Snoop Dogg - who else will tell you to "drop it like it's hot"???
Almost as many as Benjamin Franklin.
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