Newborn babies are being vaccinated with multiple shots these days. How would you like it if your doctor poked you with a needle several times in one day?? That would not be my idea of a good day, especially if I had to sit in a dirty diaper for 2 minutes and then became frustrated that I couldn't fall asleep.
One of these vaccinations include the hepatitis B shot. Now, why in the world would a child being born in a country with less than 2% infected have a need for this?? Let's take a look at the CDC website to see how this disease is transmitted:
- Occurs when blood or body fluids from an infected person enters the body of a person who is not immune.
- HBV is spread through having sex with an infected person without using a condom (the efficacy of latex condoms in preventing infection with HBV is unknown, but their proper use may reduce transmission), by sharing drugs, needles, or "works" when "shooting" drugs, through needlesticks or sharps exposures on the job, or from an infected mother to her baby during birth.
I don't know about you, but it doesn't sound like a child being born today needs to get this shot. It sounds to me like a push by cash-laden pharmaceutical companies to make more money. Then again, if your child is going to grow up to be a promiscuous, heroin addict, it may be a good idea to give them this shot sooner rather than later.
I think your writing is brilliant and teeming with practical optimism and zest for life. Thanks for the random daily insights. Heroin doesn't have an 'e' at the end, btw.
blog comes from the phrase "web log", another name for an online journal. But then I suspect that you knew that already.
(adding to the procrastination effect...)
Crap, I better be the shot didn't debute until '82 I don't think I got one of those growing up.
Anony - Who are you????? Show yourself!!!!
Dave - thank you for pointing out the obvious....always good to reiterate things as most ppl don't "get it" the first time. I just think it's funny that there are so many new words now w/ the proliferation of the Internet.
Dern - You should be worried....w/ your track record, you should definitely be worried...esp since I know your history so well!! ;-)
The likelihood of contracting a disease from that ice cream cone from the weird man is about the same as contracting one from a buffet. Diseases contracted from food are rare (media tends to add hype to things like mad-cow which actually has/had a very small occurrence in the U.S.) and there are no vaccines, except for hepatitis A (which they don't give children). If anything, there is a greater risk of contracting hep A more than anything else (esp if you eat out often or travel to foreign countries) and yet, they don't give those to children right away.
a) I feel like I've just been yelled at.
b)'re not supposed to tell....
I wasn't going to say anything, but to honor your curiosity i will give you a clue: Chicken parmesan. It's obvious you get a lot of mileage out of life-- literally and metaphorically. Very inspiring to a boring person.
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