Being in love
Someone suggested to me that I post a blog on "being in love". Wow. This could be a multi-part series. In order to write intelligently about this, we need to delve further into the word "love".
I love where I live. I love the beach. I love the mountains. I might even love you, the reader. Don't get your hopes up though because I probably don't....unless I want something from you. Then, I might love you. A LOT.
Our society is obsessed with "being in love" and "finding the right person". It's amazing how many countless websites are out there to help you with love. What's funny is that there are these sites that help you express love and rate your chances of love. Sites that help you find love and make sure that love never dies.
I say screw all that and just be in love with yourself. I am. It works really well. I'm my best friend and lover. I LOVE Me. I LOVE everything about Me. I never argue with Me. I am always good to Me. In short, it is all about Me.